Cutting-edge equipment for animal nutrition and, over the years, it has been revolutionizing the way you take care of animal nutrition and optimize its production.

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Sindirações (National Union of the Animal Feed Industry) disclose 2% production growth of animal feed in the first half of 2023. 

The animal food industry showed a 2% advance in the first half of 2023 compared to the same period of the previous year, according to data released by the National Union of the Animal Food Industry (Sindirações). Several factors influenced this, and production reached around 40 million tons of feeds and concentrates in the first half of 2023.

According to Ariovaldo Zani, CEO of Sindirações, various factors drove the sector’s performance, with emphasis on the relief in the price of major animal feed inputs.

Sindirações shared a preview of the first half of 2023 in the animal food sector. Take a look!

FEED PRODUCTION (million tons). Estimate; **Forecast. Source: Sindirações

Folks, this growth in animal food production is more than just a statistic; it is a response that the demand for high-quality and technological solutions is progressing. 

For us, this news is a powerful incentive. We will strengthen the industry and continue to positively impact the operations and productions of our customers.

We want to be part of this promising scenario, offering the best in animal nutrition equipment. 

Follow our blog for more information on the latest trends in the agro industry. Until next time.

Source: Sindirações.